Wednesday 21 January 2009

Hospital Corridors

Alan and I went for my appointment with a consultant at South Tyneside Hospital this afternoon.

I was really lucky to get such a quick appointment - I was only referred 2 weeks ago, after my 3rd early miscarriage in 5 months (added to the ectopic pregnancy last March).

I was really nervous about going and didn't have any idea what to expect, but it wasn't too bad. I had an examination, and some swabs taken, and Alan and I had to give blood for various tests. I'll also get an appointment for a womb scan in the next few weeks. The consultant recommended that I lose 10% of my weight, and seemed fairly sure that that would help us to have a successful pregnancy; diet and exercise it is, then!

A friend at work told me that I was a very strong woman yesterday, the trouble is, with each unsuccessful pregnancy, my shoulders sink a little bit lower from the weight on them. The positive thing is that this last miscarriage led me to a referral, which is hopefully a step in the right direction.

If it wasn't for the worry of time ticking away, it wouldn't be so bad.

So, my photo for today was to sum up the feelings of worry and hope, and different paths. Since I posted it, I can't get 'Wires' by Athlete out of my head! Ironic that that song was written about his poorly new baby...

em X

Monday 19 January 2009

The Yard

19.01.2009 The Yard
Originally uploaded by emilylemsip
Back to school today: yak!

Most of the students looked pleased to see me, and the lovely teacher who'd had to set my work for the supply certainly did! Well, it's nice to feel wanted.

This is the view out of my classroom window towards the end of lunchtime. The year 10 are out on work placements this week, or there would have been a line of them sitting on the benches near the middle of the shot, throwing things at girls who duly scream in a rather tiresome fashion.

Why do they scream? I sometimes feel like shouting at them out of my window, but then I'd be screaming too. A vicious circle.

Oh, in other news...we bought the MGB GT today. Booked flightsthis evening for Saturday morning to Southampton to pick it up. How exciting!

Sunday 18 January 2009

Car Mosaic

Car Mosaic
Originally uploaded by emilylemsip
For visual learners, proof in picture form of points made in the previous entry...too many vehicles already!

How the Worm Turned...

Alan has a car addiction. He'll openly admit it, so it's no big news; the neighbours certainly couldn't miss it! I pretend to be cross and roll my eyes whenever he mentions getting a new car. Except this time he put the words on the end of a rod and caught me, hook, line and sinker.

"Well, what about a Mini?"

So, now I'm an ebay junkie. The 'Mini?' has progressed through Triumph Spitfire 1500 to MGB GT where it now stands. The refresh key on my 'best offer' page is looking ill with overwork; our bank balance is closing down with panic; I daydream Audrey Hepburn headscarves blowing in the summer (?) breeze. I am obsessed.